Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Watercolor Resist

Kindergarten students created a watercolor resist with white crayons and watercolor paint. They also created an umbrella with crayons. They glued in their picture to make it look like they were holding their umbrella.


Bubble-Wrap printing and an octopus!

 First grade students printed with bubble wrap. Then they created an octopus with  cut paper and tissue paper after reading, "I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean" by Kevin Sherry.


Friday, March 25, 2016

Theme Park Maps

Fourth grade students discussed technical drawing as a possible art career. Students learned that artists help design both theme parks and the maps of theme parks. Students created their own theme parks that included a parking lot, an entrance, bathrooms, a food court and at least 6 attractions.They colored their theme parks with colored pencil.



Pop Art Self-Portraits

Fifth Grade students looked at artwork by Andy Warhol. Warhol is famous for creating pop-art images. Pop Art is short for popular art which means using everyday pictures or images such as photos of celebrities or mundane things like soup cans, and turning them into fancy museum art. Much of this type of artwork was and is used in advertising. Students altered photos of themselves on a website called, then traced their photo and finally painted their pop-art portraits. They could only use two colors to paint their portrait in this graphic style. They had to choose complimentary colors (colors across each other on the color wheel) or analogous colors (colors next to each other on the color wheel.)

Los estudiantes de quinto grado observaron algunas obras de arte de Andy Warhol. Warhol es famoso por crear imágenes de arte-pop, que significa usar imágenes de la vida diaria, como fotos de celebridades u objetos mundanos como latas de sopa, y convertirlas en arte para museos. Este tipo de arte se ha usado y se sigue usando en la publicidad. Los estudiantes alteraron fotografías de si mismos usando una pagina web llamada, ellos trazaron su foto y luego pintaron sus retratos al estilo “arte-pop.” Solo pudieron usar dos colores para pintar sus retratos en este estilo gráfico. Tuvieron que escoger colores complementarios (colores que estén directamente de lados opuestos en la rueda de colores) o colores análogos (colores que estén adyacentes en la rueda de colores).



Mendhi Hands

Second Grade students learned that art takes many forms around the world. They discovered that people in many Middle Eastern countries decorate their hands with Mendhi for special occasions such as weddings as part of a tradition. Mendhi is a paste that is spread on to the hands and is carefully scratched off with a small wooden tool to create intricate patterns. They learned that many designs incorporate a paisley pattern. Students then created their own Mendhi hand designs that include much repetition of lines and shapes as well as a paisley shape. 


Cubist Portraits

Third grade students looked at artwork by Pablo Picasso and read a book about his life. They learned that Picasso could paint realistically, but chose not to. They learned that Picasso was the inventor of cubism, and painted many of his artworks with shapes such as squares and rectangles. Students learned that many people didn’t like his artwork at first, but now it is some of the most famous artwork in the world. Students drew a cubist portrait and painted it with tempera paints.

Los estudiantes de tercer grado miraron obras de arte por Pablo Picasso y leyeron un libro sobre su vida. Ellos aprendieron que Picasso sabía pintar realísticamente, pero escogió no hacerlo. Ellos aprendieron que Picasso fue el inventor del cubismo, y pinto muchas de sus obras con figuras como cuadrados y rectángulos. Los estudiantes aprendieron que a muchas personas no les gustaron sus obras al principio, pero ahora son de las obras de arte más famosas del mundo. Los estudiantes dibujaron un retrato cubista y lo pintaron con tempera.


Kente Cloth Paper Weaving

First Graders learned about a special fabric called Kente cloth that comes from Ghana, Africa.
 Students looked at patterns common to Kente cloth and learned that this cloth is worn for special occasions. Using paper weaving techniques, students created their own version of Kente cloth.


Los estudiantes de primer grado aprendieron sobre tejido especial llamado tela Kente proveniente de Ghana, África. Los estudiantes observaron los patrones comunes en la tela Kente y aprendieron que esta tela se usa para ocasiones especiales. Usando técnicas de tejido con papel, los estudiantes crearon su propia versión de tela Kente. 

Monday, March 14, 2016

"Harold and the Purple Crayon"

Kindergarten students "illustrated" the book Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson by listening to the story  (without seeing the pictures) and drawing what Harold drew. Then we read the story again, and looked at the illustrations. Students discovered that even though they had all heard the same story, every drawing was different.


Self-Portraits with a book

Second Grade students created these self-portraits with their favorite book for literacy month (March). They were displayed during literacy night.


Reduction Prints

4th grade students created these reduction prints of the animal of their choice. First they carved an animal into a piece of styrofoam and printed the entire printing block. Then they cut out their animal and printed only that part of the printing block (which is how it gets the name reduction print).


Flower Still Life

Kindergarten students learned that a still life could be any grouping of small objects that can not move by themselves. The learned that artists like to put a group of small objects together to practice drawing or painting them.  Students looked at three different still life paintings by Vincent Van Gogh and then painted their own still life of flowers in a vase.



Jackson Pollack Styled Paper Mache Letters

5th grade students have been hard at work creating these paper mache letters in the style of Jackson Pollack. They created the armature of the sculpture with paper cups and cardboard. Then they covered the letter's form with paper mache and newspaper. Then the prepared their letter for splatter painting by painting it white and then the following class periods were dedicated to splatter painting.


Fish Prints

Second Grade students discussed the difference between printing and painting. They learned that prints can be made multiple times. Students designed their own fish print by drawing a fish on a piece of styrofoam and then colored it with markers. Students then printed those fish by spraying a piece of paper with water and blotting the paper with paper towel. Then they printed their fish on that paper. Students were able to make multiple prints.

Los estudiantes de Segundo grado discutieron la diferencia entre imprimir y pintar. Ellos aprendieron que las impresiones se pueden repetir varias veces. Los estudiantes diseñaron sus propias impresiones dibujando un pez en un pedazo de unicel y luego lo pintaron con marcadores. Luego los estudiantes imprimieron esos peces rociando una hoja de papel con agua y secándola con toallas de papel. Luego imprimieron su pez sobre ese papel. Los estudiantes lograron hacer varias impresiones.

Kinder Mondrian

Kindergarten students discovered the work of Piet Mondrian. They learned that he first painted landscapes, but then decided to break down landscapes into their simplest form: black lines and primary colors. It was almost like he was painting the “ingredients” for his landscapes. Students learned to identify the primary colors and made artwork inspired by Mondrian.

Los estudiantes de kinder descubrieron las obras de Piet Mondrian. Ellos aprendieron que al principio el pinto paisajes, pero luego decidió desarmar los paisajes en sus formas más simples: líneas negras y colores primarios. Fue como si estuviera pintando los “ingredientes” de sus paisajes. Los estudiantes aprendieron a identificar los colores primarios y crearon obras de arte inspiradas por Mondrian.

Tar Beach

Third Grade students read “Tar Beach” by famous African-American artist and author Faith Ringgold. Students discussed what their dreams are for the future. Then they drew themselves flying over their dream, as a way to make it happen, just like the main character did in the book.

Los estudiantes de tercer grado leyeron “Playa de asfalto” por la famosa artista y autora afro-americana Faith Ringgold. Los estudiantes discutieron cuales son sus sueños para el futuro. Luego se dibujaron volando sobre su sueño como una manera de hacerlo realidad, como lo hizo el personaje principal en el libro.